Sunday, July 8, 2007

New surfing mode

There is a new mode in surfing it is called survival. you must go through many obstacles such as icergs or atleast pieces of ice burgs. It is really hard to grind sometimes because the waves are really really rough at the top. It is both score and distance that determine how much money you get.

waddle on- puckperson

Mining helmets are crazy crab

The mining helmets are in the mine shack. And thanks to some crazy crab the middle window in the pool area is now cracked open. the windo whas been taken out and covered with wood but water is leaking through the holes and has been flooding the whole underground (exept for the boiler room wich has been blocked off so no water can get in). Penguins are doing thier best though.
waddle on- puckperson

New catalog

The new clothing catalog is in and is really cool.
There are they hidden items:
swimming goggles (drum sticks)
viking helmet (diving helmet
blue cape (flower basket)
thats all waddle on-